The Project Outputs

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Designing the joint model

The initial phase of the designing will be to investigate the current graduate outcomes, the required skills to develop global graduates and how they can be aligned with the existing contexts. Needs-analysis will be done through literature review, surveys, and interviews (with pre-service and in-service language teachers), document analysis. These methods will allow us to investigate the impact of VE on graduate outcomes for interculturality and digital skills, which are also required for 21st century skills and teacher qualifications in the digital transformation era. The model will be designed to offer certification upon successful completion.

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Capacity Building Activities

The project also aims to increase knowledge exchange and capacity building between UK and Türkiye higher education institutions.

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A workshop for pre- and in-service teachers (online)

A one-day workshop will be arranged by ADNE to bring pre-service and in-service English language teachers from socio-culturally diverse regions of Türkiye. This workshop will include VE training, discussion on how VE should be integrated into English courses at any level by in-service language teachers and required teaching skills to be matched.

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Implementing the joint model with co-designed virtual exchange

The initial phase of the designing will be to investigate the current graduate outcomes, the required skills to develop global graduates and how they can be aligned with the existing contexts. Needs-analysis will be done through literature review, surveys, and interviews (with pre-service and in-service language teachers), document analysis. These methods will allow us to investigate the impact of VE on graduate outcomes for interculturality and digital skills, which are also required for 21st century skills and teacher qualifications in the digital transformation era. The model will be designed to offer certification upon successful completion.

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Research activities exploring the impact of the implementation of the model

The project also aims to increase knowledge exchange and capacity building between UK and Türkiye higher education institutions.

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A white paper addressed to policy-makers

A one-day workshop will be arranged by ADNE to bring pre-service and in-service English language teachers from socio-culturally diverse regions of Türkiye. This workshop will include VE training, discussion on how VE should be integrated into English courses at any level by in-service language teachers and required teaching skills to be matched.

Why Choose Us?

We offer a unique blend of virtual exchange programs, cutting-edge resources, and professional development opportunities to empower language teachers and promote internationalization.

Cultural Exchange

Immerse yourself in diverse cultures and languages, broadening your perspective and enriching your academic journey.

Interactive Learning

Engage in hands-on, interactive learning experiences that transcend physical boundaries and foster global connections.

Manage patterns

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